Linux Desktop Application for reconnaisance of nearby wireless devices
Technologies Used: Matplotlib, PyQT5
Command line tool and API for searching and downloading movies by scraping
Open sourced library that provides bluetooth and wifi API within python code.
Technologies Used: Pybluez, Python
CLI dictionary using nltk library
Technologies Used: nltk
Command line tool and API for searching and downloading music by scraping
Technologies Used: Rust, ChromeDriver, Heroku
Open source library to provide search engine results from many of the most popular search engines from around the world.
Technologies Used: Beautifulsoup, Requests
Downloads multiple resources from google drive when given just a csv file containing the file links
Technologies Used: Beautifulsoup, Requests
Configurable shell script that drops a slack message if I am away from my screen too long
Technologies Used: Bash
Contributed to open source OSINT library used for reconnaisance.
Technologies Used: Argparse, Requests
Fuzzy string search for csv and excel files using Jacobian similarity and Levenshtein distance metrics.
Technologies Used: nltk