Formplus April 2020 - Present
Fullstack Developer
Majorly working with Python(Flask) on the backend, Angular and React on the frontend. An extensive helping of Bash and Linux as well as setting up and maintaining the CI/CD pipeline
Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio page.
Hello, Diretnan here. I am a software developer from Nigeria, an avid learner and unlearner.
Some of the significant aptitudes which will assist me with achieving your objectives.
Fullstack Developer
Majorly working with Python(Flask) on the backend, Angular and React on the frontend. An extensive helping of Bash and Linux as well as setting up and maintaining the CI/CD pipeline
Open source organization dedicated to building interesting software for humans. Contributed to multiple projects such as Signalum
Contract/Remote Developer
Maintainance of existing applications. Also implemented some new features for the previously built personality management web application. Training and introduction for the student interns
Student Intern - Python Team Lead
Developed several python projects ranging from Django web applications to automated data transformation pipelines. Creation of customized easy to use GUI tools for the data team using pandas, numpy and tkinter. Batch and powershell scripting for privilege elevation to be able to schedule tasks using the Schask API. I was also tasked with being in charge of the awesome python team, organizing tasks, holding daily meetings and running performance evaluation
A 5 year bachelor degree with Second class Upper GPA. Had some of the best classmates around and we learnt the concepts of Computer Architecture, Data Structures and many computer related fields. Even worked on IoT devices, raspberry Pi, Assembly Language :( as well.
I was also part of the founding team of FUT Developers Circle. A developer community to mentor other upcoming developers
On the off chance that you might want to connect with me, be it for investigating innovation, business, or to simply say hello, don't hesitate to send me an email at